Creating Excellent Energy Stores
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Creating Excellent Energy Stores

After we had a solar power system installed on our home, I realized that we needed to work hard to create a stronger sunlight flow. We had large trees that hovered over our home, and although they provided a lot of shade, they also kept the sun from producing the kind of power we needed. I really wanted to work hard to create excellent energy stores in our home, so I decided to make this blog. I wanted to spread the word about responsible energy use, so I started writing all kinds of articles about the environment, energy use, and protecting our resources. Read more here.


Creating Excellent Energy Stores

A Water Well Has Benefits Even If You're On City Water

Marion Rogers

You may associate a water well with living on a rural property that doesn't have a municipal water supply. However, water wells can be useful for city properties too. Even if your home is connected to the municipal water supply, you can use well water to irrigate your lawn and water your garden without it affecting your water bill. Here are some things to know about having an irrigation well in the city. 

The Location Of The Well

Your city has regulations on what you can do with your property and where you can locate things like a water well. This shouldn't be much of a problem if you want the well near your house. If you want it near the edge of your property, then you'll need to mark the setback area and stay within the boundary.

A well doesn't take up much room when it's installed, but it's visible in your yard. It looks like a capped pipe sticking out of the ground. It's high enough that you can see it so you don't run into it with a mower, but if you want to camouflage it, you can plant flowers around it. It's better to have the well near your house, garage, or shed so it doesn't interfere with the use of your land.

The Installation Of The Well

Drilling a well involves the use of heavy machinery. The equipment needs to access your property in order to drill. This could affect where you place the well, and it determines if you can even have a well drilled.

If there is room for the equipment to maneuver, then the well is drilled in the location you want. The depth of the well depends on the geography of your land. A shallow well might suffice. This draws from the groundwater supply. It could be necessary to drill down deeper through the rock in order to reach an aquifer.

The Benefits Of An Irrigation Well

The main benefit of having an irrigation well is that you don't have to pay for the water you use from it. You can irrigate your lawn, use a power washer, water a garden, wash your car, and even fill your swimming pool with free water.

If you use a lot of water in the summer months for a pool and lawn care, then an irrigation well will eventually pay for itself in savings on your water bill.

Another benefit of having your own well is that you'll always have a source of water that's not dependent on the city's supply. Having a well allows you to be self-sufficient and it gives you peace of mind knowing your water supply won't be shut off as long as your well is in good repair.
